Don't Cry For Me,Argentina.
When the cardinals elected one of their number as Pope on Wednesday 13th.
of March, 2013, their choice became the first Pope to come from South
America in 1300 years. He is also the the first Pope to choose the name
Francis; the first Jesuit to become Pope; the first Pope to have have the
previous Pope watch his successor being acclaimed on the balcony of
St.Peter's,on television.
Choosing the name Francis is highly significant as the saint was well
-known for his humility and love of poverty. As a cardinal, he reminded his
clerical colleagues that Jesus bathed lepers and ate with prostitutes. The
new Pope has always followed the dictat of the saint: "Preach the gospel
always; if necessary use words."
But those clamouring for the church to be brought into the 21st. century
will be disappointed, as Pope Francis is well-known for upholding
traditional Catholic teaching on all the major moral issues of the present
On his first day as Pope Francis, has ticked all the right boxes,
especially by going to the church of St.Mary Maggiore to pray and leave a
small bouquet of flowers at her altar. This act would have endeared him to
the people of Rome, whose patron saint she is.
It remains to be seen how Pope Francis's life style will filter down the
ecclesiastical ladder to the lower clergy.