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Quote of the Week

'The lion sleeps- rest in peace, Cesar.'   Words attached to Sir Rod Stewart's wreath for Billy McNeill.




For Christians, Easter is a time to rejoice  because their Redeemer emerged on a Sunday from the tomb in which his battered and bloody body had been placed the previous Friday, after his painful death by crucifixion on Calvary's hill. And just what was his crime?

He claimed to be God come man. When given the choice to set Jesus free, the people, amongst whom he had cured their sick and even raised a few of them from the dead, chose instead Barabbas: and he was a thief. 

Since that momentous Sunday morning, various objects have been associated with the Resurrection.  For example, the egg, which by the little yellow chick emerging from the egg, represents Christ breaking free from the tomb and emerging into the sunlight. Then the Easter lamb represents Jesus not only as 'the lamb led to the slaughter,' but also in Jewish symbolism used to celebrate the Passover.  Finally, the butterfly. It is a very unattractive and earthbound worm which enters the cocoon for  deathlike sleep.... then it bursts from its "tomb" as Christ did from his,

But nature also gets involved in the rejoicing of Christ's victory over death. For on Easter Sunday mornings, the sun leaves its fixed position in the sky and goes berserk with joy.  I witnessed this phenomenon on Easter Sunday morning 1946, as a street-wise 14 year old boy from the Glasgow tenements,  But don't take my word for it. Sir Diarmaid MacCulloch in his monumental work THE HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY, relates how the 7th. century monks on the Skelligs have left written evidence as to how they too witnessed the sun dancing for joy on Easter Sunday mornings.  The Skelligs have become well-known in recent years ever since a few scenes for Star Wars have been shot there.

"We are an Easter People and Alleluia is our Song."   

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