No Love Here
By Martin Gordon
Reviewed by Angie Mangino
Rating: 4 stars
This story of a priest’s journey begins at the beginning, with him as a young boy growing up, sharing his family history in Scotland. It proceeds to his travel with his father to his father’s sister’s house in Ireland where he stayed after his father returned to Glasgow and on to the other physical and emotional journeys in his life. Readers meet all the people in his life that led to the time he had a dream preparing for the priesthood.
Told with excellent sentence variety, Gordon does not fall prey in his writing to the run on of “I” sentences that are a weakness prevalent in some memoirs. By sharing all the details of his life, however, he slows down readers, but the strength of the human stories that inspire interest will keep them reading, seeing the background history, once known, as important to the overall story.
This reviewer believes No Love Here may be a misnomer as a title for this work, because through all the hardships and challenges of his life, Gordon’s love of God and of others strongly shines through, giving witness to a tremendous amount of love.