On Wednesday morning the 23rd. of January, 2013, as I sat on the edge of
the bed, I suddenly found myself fighting to breathe. My wife called the ambulance serviceonly to be told
that there was over an hour's delay. Fortunately my son was at home and
drove me at speed to the Mercy hospital. I was immediately given oxygen and
was to remain on it for the next 12 days. A scan a few hours later showed
that I had large blood clots in both my lungs. An injecton was given me and
I had to take 10mg Warfarin The following day the same procedure followed.
I was in a very distressed state by Friday, but was still surprised to see
a priest arrive to give me the Last Rites. I was not sleeping nor was I
By Sunday, I had begun to show a slight improvement. But was still
seriously ill. A member of the medical team told me that I was lucky to be
still alive. "Somebody up there loves you", she said.
I am home two weeks now, but still quite weak. My blood level is being
monitered on a weekly basis to determine how many Warfarin I should be
taking. At the moment it is four. This is a low dosage, as I have met men
who are on 12 to 14.
This is the second time that the Doctors at the Mercy in Cork have saved
my life in under FOUR years. The last time was in March of 2009, when I
arrived with just 24 hours to live. As for the Nurses, I cannot praise
them enough. More pay they ought to be receiving, not less.
Hopefully, my health will improve enough to allow me to travel to London in
the near future to launch the book there.